My (Lack of) Time Strategies
The first article I read was about multitasking and how this art is not beneficial to anyone. I was surprised to find that I mostly agreed. I think most people my age would've been upset with Charles J. Abaté's statements. When I was in high school, I pretty much established my study methods that I use now. I would often text or listen to music while doing homework. However, when I had a particularly difficult assignment or I was running low on time, I turned off my phone and music.
I knew I couldn't focus as well with the distractions. It would often drive me to even greater stress and frustration if I continued with the multitasking. I have found that now, it is beneficial to me if I use texting as a reward. I'll tell myself, when you finish reading this section or ace this round on quizlet, you can read that text and respond. These are quick and reasonably frequent breaks that I give myself to stay sane.
The next article that caught my eye was more about giving studying tips than providing research about study habits that don't work. It focused on creating a planner to map out when is best to get work done. I've seen or read things like this before and they make me excited every time. I break out the pretty pens and highlighters or look for a good app, but I find it difficult to actually use the planner.
I have a really hard time planning exactly when I will do everything. Sometimes I'm tired after class and I need a nap, but others I don't. Some days I feel incredibly unmotivated, but others I can power through assignment after assignment. I've tried this method in the past, but I can't stick to it. I get into a flow of my own which is occasionally fueled by last minute panic. It's always worked out for me in the past.
I do use a free app called myHomework to keep track of all of my assignments and I HIGHLY suggest you check it out! I have it downloaded on my mac and my iPhone. I can input assignments on either one and they sync up. It takes a bit to set up your classes and their times and everything, but after that it's a breeze. I like to color code it to match up with the colors of my course cards on canvas (which is definitely dorky but also totally satisfying).
(Image Information: Stressed Source: Pixabay)
The next article that caught my eye was more about giving studying tips than providing research about study habits that don't work. It focused on creating a planner to map out when is best to get work done. I've seen or read things like this before and they make me excited every time. I break out the pretty pens and highlighters or look for a good app, but I find it difficult to actually use the planner.
(Image Information: Colorful Planner Source: flickr)
I do use a free app called myHomework to keep track of all of my assignments and I HIGHLY suggest you check it out! I have it downloaded on my mac and my iPhone. I can input assignments on either one and they sync up. It takes a bit to set up your classes and their times and everything, but after that it's a breeze. I like to color code it to match up with the colors of my course cards on canvas (which is definitely dorky but also totally satisfying).
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